LMS – Last Man Standing


Cover Photo shows our current champion Kenny Paterson receiving his prize from tournament organiser Jim Dunsmore.

The fourth series of our popular Last Man Standing Fundraising Competition starts next week when the English Premier League kicks off with a full set of matches running from Friday 16th until Monday 19th August.

To progress in the competition, entrants must select a winning team from each series of matches and each week anyone progressing must pick a team not previously chosen.

To win the event, an entrant must be the only remaining player, where this fails to occur, the prize money rolls over into the next competition.

This is a fun event; however, it also can turn what would otherwise be meaningless matches into engrossing encounters especially when each competition reaches the latter stages.

In the three previous competitions since we started, we have had two winners and one rollover. The first competition started in November 2023 and was won by Jim Halliday. Eight people remained as we moved into week five, however seven were beaten and Jim was victorious and was delighted to receive his prize just days before Christmas for a nice little Santa Bonus.

The second competition started in January 2024 and ran for eight weeks. Only two players remained in week eight, however defeats for West Ham & Bournemouth (both their selected teams) meant we had no winner, and the competition and prize money rolled over.

The last competition started in March and lasted eight weeks. Three players remained standing in round eight with each picking different sides. Only one was victorious and our last winner was ex-Talbot player Kenny Paterson. This was another timely little cash bonus for the winner as Kenny was travelling to Germany for the Euros shortly after with the Tartan Army.

Following the success of the three competitions, we were able to donate £1,100 to Auchinleck Talbot at the end of season. There was also a prize draw where every participant received one entry for every tournament they participated in. The winner was David Waddell, and the intention was that David would present the donation to the club on our behalf and receive a match hospitality package for two. David indicated that he would prefer to delay his hospitality to allow him to attend one of this season’s matches.

The cost of entry is a one-off payment of £10 for every competition. Half of this money is donated to the club, and we’re delighted that with one week still to go, over 60 people have entered. If you want to join the fun contact Morton Wright Jnr (07972 719553), Jimmy Dunsmore (07771 800950) or Tommy Milgrew (07718 768127). Selection picks and information are provided via What’s App and all participants will receive a list of the rules of the competition and updates on fundraising.