Tucker roars out the orders from the dugout.
Stevie Wilson flicks the ball on inside the Glen’s box.
Samson tries his luck with a lobbing header from inside the box.
‘Big Neilly’ keeps his eyes firmly on the ball.
‘Shankers’ has got this pass licked.
Mark Shankland very nearly scores direct from a corner but is denied by the near post.
Keir Samson can only watch, as McGarrity gets a strong hand to the ball.
Although surrounded on all sides, Samson still manages to fire off a shot from inside the box.
‘Shankers’ fires off a shot at goal where…
…it gets blocked by the ‘keeper but, fortunately, Samson slides in to the rebound and slots home the opener. 1-0.
Keir looks to check, as the Glens’ players shout for offside but the goal is given by the officials.
Keir Samson gets a shot away from a difficult angle but…
…can barely watch, as his shot gets deflected narrowly wide.
Talbot double their lead through Dylan Young, who nods the ball home from right on the line. 2-0.
Dylan celebrates his goal with Samson, as the Talbot faithful are all smiles.
McGarrity gets a strong hand to the ball in order to stop Stephen Wilson’s powerful close-range header from hitting the back of the net.
‘Gee’ races into the box and fires in a thunderous shot at goal but he fails to find the back of the net.
Findlay Frye pulls a goal back for the Glens’ from the spot, after a handball from Talbot. 2-1.
Keir does his best to win the ball back from McChesney.
An exchange of ‘different views’ between Craig McEwan and opposing fans during a break in play, as Ally Park tries to calm everybody down.
Ex-Talbot player, Mick McCann, tries to get his point across to ‘Whitey’.
After a poor clearance from the Glens’ ‘keeper, Samson capitalises, races in and finds the back of the net. 3-1.
The Glen’s players and fans sink into despair, as Keir races away to celebrate his second goal.
Jamie Glasgow gets shoved to the ground, as ‘Popey’ gives the Glens’ player some serious daggers.
Hamish McKinley tries a shot a goal with a volley from inside the box.
Although under pressure from McChesney, Hamish gets set to pull the trigger and smash home Talbot’s fourth. 4-1.